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Other Services 


SSL (Spanish as a Second Language) and ESL (English as a Second Language) are individualized classes for international students who are not proficient in English or Spanish respectively. This service has a cost per semester and is available for second grade and above.


French class is part of the curriculum for students from nursery to 5th grade. Nursery and pre-kindergarten students have French class every day, while the upper grades have it twice a week. The French vocabulary complements the English and language vocabulary to make a full immersion of the language arts.


Our library has more than 30,000 volumes that our Early Childhood and Elementary students can enjoy. At least once a week, our students visit the library and enjoy great story time! They can check out books every week. For our Secondary students, a modern information center is available with a Google-style setting lounge with laptops and Wi-Fi access.



MAP stands for Measures of Academic Progress or MAP Tests. This is a computer adaptive test that is given two times a year in the areas of Math, Reading, and Language Usage.


Students from Kindergarten to Tenth grade take MAP tests. These tests measure student growth and assess student’s mastery of skills. This guides teachers’ planning and helps them differentiate instruction inside the classroom. 


Edmentum’s Exact Path is an online platform that personalizes learning in reading, math, and language arts for K-12 students. It uses diagnostic tests to create individualized learning paths, offering tailored lessons and tracking progress to help students improve in specific areas.

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